Xebia AI Toolbox

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At Xebia we believe AI can empower your work making you more productive in everything you do. This site helps you discover ways of empowering your daily workflows with AI in a responsible way.

We believe AI can help us if we use it in a responsible way. This means we are careful when working with AI tools regarding client data, privacy and security. We also believe in the power of open source and sharing knowledge. That is why we created this site to share our knowledge and help eachother in our daily work.

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Xebia AI Toolbox is a set of workflows created by and for Xebians to help eachother in their daily work becoming more productive using AI tools.

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Contributions welcome!

We do a Pull Request contributions workflow on GitHub. New users are always welcome!

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Discuss on Slack!

Have questions or want to discuss something? Join us on Slack in the #ai-toolbox channel.

“AI will not replace you. A person using AI will.” - slackgpt