Xebia AI Toolbox Documentation

We believe AI can help us if we use it in a responsible way. This means we are careful when working with AI tools regarding client data, privacy and security. We also believe in the power of open source and sharing knowledge. That is why we created this site to share our knowledge and help eachother in our daily work.

This website consits of a couple of parts: Workflows & Tools. The workflows are the actual workflows you can use to get things done. The tools are the tools you can use to get things done. The tools are often used in the workflows.

Next to using tools and workflows we also want to share our knowledge on how to use AI in a responsible way. This is why we have a section on Responsible AI where we explain how to use AI in such a way that it doesn’t hurt our company or our customers.

AI Workflows

AI Workflow Collection

Responsible AI

Thoughts and Considerations when using AI for your work

AI Tools

AI Tools Collection