AI Workflows

AI Workflow Collection

This website focuses on workflows to actually get things done instead of tools. This section describes a number of workflows to be more productive using AI. Have your own workflow of being more efficient & productive? please add it to this website!

Responsible AI Checklist

As we think responsible AI is essential, we should always consider this when using AI tools. Add this checklist to every workflow/tool page you create so people have a quick overview of what to consider when using this workflow or tool.

Responsible AI Checklist
Can be used with customer dataℹ️ Ask Consent / ✅ Yes, this tool is safe to use / ❌ No, this tool is not safe to use
Can the output be used at customer✅ Yes / ❌ No
Can be used with Xebia Internal secret data✅ Yes, this tool is safe to use / ❌ No, this tool is not safe to use
Can the output be used commercially by Xebia✅ Yes / ❌ No
Is data being stored in the region you use it✅ Yes / ❌ No
Do we have a Xebia license / managed solution for this tool✅ Yes / ❌ No
Tools used in workflowLinks to tool pages for these tools

Creating an Annotated speaker deck for training purposestions from scratch

How can you create a PowerPoint deck with speaker notes so your presentation or training can be redelivered?

Creating Photorealistic Images

How can you combine ChatGPT and Midjourney to create photorealistic images?

Creating Presentations from scratch

How can SlackGPT help you with creating your presentations?