Creating Presentations from scratch

How can SlackGPT help you with creating your presentations?
Responsible AI Checklist
Can be used with customer data input❌ No
Can the output be used at customer❓ TODO check this
Can be used with Xebia Internal secret data✅ yes
Can the output be used commercially by Xebia✅ yes
Is data being stored in the region you use it❌ No
Do we have a Xebia license / managed solution for this toolSlackGPT
Tools used in workflowSlackGPT


Creating a presentation can be hard. Especially the initial part. This workflow gets you going from nothing to a full presentation in powerpoint in a couple of minutes from which you can start adding styles and extra content.

Step 1: Open the Visual Basic Editor


Go to Developer1 > Visual Basic


Go to Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor

Next insert a Module: Insert > Module

Step 2: Ask SlackGPT to do your homework

Next up we are going to ask SlackGPT to generate a Visual Basic script that will generate a presentation for us. This is mostly Prompt engineering.

Wether you know or you don’t know your presentation out-line your prompt should probably start with something like this:

    Generate VBA script in PowerPoint that on execution generates slides.
    The Topic of the slide deck is: [The benefits of having ChatGPT do you work]
    The length of the slide deck is: [Minimum of 10 slides]
    Think like a C# developer that is trying to save his job by giving this presentation
    make sure to generate sub points on all the slides

Run the script.

Step 3: Style it

All that is left is to style your slides, if you don’t have a house-style design you can use the Integrated feature of PowerPoint “Designer” that should be located on the Home Ribbon.

  1. If you don’t see the Developer “Ribbon” follow these steps:

    • Go to File > Options
    • Customize Ribbon
    • Main Tabs > Developer
    • Ok